Sunday, August 17, 2008

World War Hulk review marathon!

It is true, I will be reviewing all of Marvel's big summer crossover of 2007, which was collected in tpb's a little while ago. I know a lot of people have been dying to read this one, so I will go through each book in the crossover in a semi-logical order, analyzing each punch thrown and dissecting each broken rib.

The crossover is pretty much the direct continuation of Planet Hulk, which seems to be fairly popular, although I didn't really like it. I don't buy into the whole Hulk-as-Jesus thing, and the group of weird aliens that become his disciples didn't really tickle my fancy either. In World War Hulk, however, Hulk is back on earth and he's brought his alien friends with him. And all he wants to do is kick the butt of the heroes who shot him into space.

I will be reviewing the books in the following order:
  • World War Hulk
  • WWH: Front Line
  • WWH: Gamma Corps
  • WWH: Incredible Herc
  • WWH: Warbound
  • WWH: X-Men
  • WWH: Damage Control
Finally I will be doing a review of the whole crossover.

Phew, that's a lot of Hulk, and frankly, I don't think it's going to be all top of the pops. But hey, sometimes you have to take the good with the bad (and sometimes with the outright shitty...). So stay tuned!

As an added service I have collected some links to CBR articles that was published around the time World War Hulk came out on the magazine stands, so the tpb readers can enjoy reading them as well:

REFLECTIONS: "World War Hulk's" Greg Pak
TALE OF THE TAPE: Pak talks Hulk vs. Sentry (with links to other WWH Take of the Tape interviews)
Joining the Green Party: Romita Talks "World War Hulk"
If it Bleeds They Can Kill It: "World War Hulk: Gamma Corps"
Drawing on Myth: Pham Talks "Incredible Herc"
WAR PARTY: Pak Talks "World War Hulk: Warbound"
BACK IN BUSINESS: McDuffie talks "WWH Aftersmash: Damage Control
THE COMMENTARY TRACK: "Aftersmash" #1 with Greg Pak

I am planning on digging up more articles like this in the future to coincide with the publication of the collected editions of various series and crossovers. Hopefully, this will, to some degree, make up for the total lack of media concern regarding these books.

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